Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

SMART Shaklee?

Ok, Optiflora Probiotic ni tak de kat market Malaysia k... Sebenarnya, tak semua produk Shaklee masuk dalam market Malaysia.  Mungkin pihak pengurusan Shaklee Malaysia ade alasan-alasan tertentu kut...

Clinical and real world performance
Another Shaklee difference is the fact that it leads the world in the clinical research on nutritional products.

All Shaklee formulas are science-based and from natural sources. There have been over 100 published clinical studies that prove Shaklee supplements are fully effective at delivering the desired benefits. And of course the Landmark Study highlighted on another page of this website confirms how over a twenty year period Shaklee products enhanced wellness while other nutritional supplements were in fact more deleterious than not taking any supplements at all!
There is clinical documentation available behind every single health claim made by Shaklee about its products. This cannot be said by other nutrition companies who utilize anecdotal information about general perceptions of a nutrient's effectiveness.

Whenever possible, Shaklee’s approach is to find solutions that help your body create the enzymes or amino acids needed for health rather than to just supply them from other sources. Why? Bodies in a healthy balance are able to self-sustain health. Simply ingesting the required substances does nothing to promote your body’s self-sufficiency over time.

Another way of demonstrating Shaklee’s commitment to performance is its revolutionary SMART delivery system (Shaklee Multinutrient Advanced Release Technology) which is protected by 14 patents. This unique process utilizes specific coatings for specific nutrients to ensure nutrients are digested in the right places at the right time to maximize benefit. In other words, some nutrients are best absorbed in the stomach while others should pass through the small intestine to be absorbed in the large intestine.

While other manufacturers just ensure an ingredient is in the pill, Shaklee realizes that if it doesn’t make it through to the proper organ of the body, the benefits will not be realized. SMART supplements are designed by science to get what you need where they will do you the most good.

Legal disclaimer: Shaklee® and SMART technology are registered trademarks of Shaklee Corporation. Gale Leigeber A-Healthy-Balance is an independent distributor of Shaklee products.

for details, please visit :

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